Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Two OppBeliefs That Helped Me Write This Book

I was a bit stalled at first. Blocked. The reason: I held the following belief:
"I cannot write a book like this one, which seems so immense a topic."

Then I rewrote this belief in a more specific way, honing in on my main fear:
"I cannot write a book in one big chunk."

Then I took a look at the opposite belief (OB):
"I can write a book in many small chunks."

And thus this blog, with its many short bursts, was born.
And has been enabled me to see how I could write this book, one post at a time.

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Another stalling factor for me was that I always believed books should be written after creating an outline. In other words, one of my beliefs was:

"I must write my book after creating an outline that I write first."

Then I OppThinked my view into this opposite belief:

"I could write my book before creating an outline that I write last."

This blog enables me to post quick bursts of OppThink thoughts, without worrying about the final outline. That will come later. The result: faster writing/posting of content! I hope you are enjoying it so far.

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