Friday, May 15, 2009

OppThink Quote from Vince Lombardi on Winning and Losing

Vince Lombardi - "We didn't lose the game; we just ran out of time."
Another famous quote worth learning from.

Here, Vince took the OppBelief of what most people would have just accepted (that is, "We lost the game"); the opposite is, of course, "We didn't lose the game."

Vince could be very convincing.
But how could he possibly justify this OppBelief?

With a supporting belief. And he found one: "Time ran out."
This is true, time did run out.

In other words, Vince's team would've won the game if they'd had more time to play.
If the game was 5 quarters instead of 4, they would have won, for example.
So now he can truthfully tell his team: don't think of yourselves as losers today.
Think of yourselves as winners who just needed a little more time to prove it.
You're not flawed - the game itself is flawed (for being too short)!
A great shift in mindset, courtesy of a little OppThinking.

Thanks, Vince. You're still invincible.

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